Help us celebrate the revival of Jewish culture in Berlin by getting involved in our project.


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We organize events that advance Jewish-German relations through multicultural exchange, and promote formal discussion between leftist German activists, Jews, and those interested in combating anti-Semitism in modern Germany.

About Us

Who we are: American, German and Austrian nationals, anti-fascists activists and jews dedicated to combating anti-Semitism and promoting German-Jewish relations through dialogue.

We are a secular forum for the exploration of Jewish cultural identification and a sense of community. We welcome people of all beliefs and faiths, and encourages diverse opinions.

Deutsch: Wir sind eine Vereinigung für Juden, Deutsche und Antifaschisten jeder Nation, jeden Glaubens und jeder Weltanschauung, die den Austausch mit jüdischer Kultur und die Bekämpfung des Antisemitismus fördern wollen. Uns verbinden gemeinsame Ziele: die Bekämpfung des die Förderung multikulti Deutsch-Jüdischer Beziehungen.

Season's Greetings from Berlin Revival

Season's Greetings from Berlin Revival-

Throughout the year, we receive emails with questions about Jewish life in Germnay. This holiday season we encourage all those in Berlin area to explore your community and get plugged into your local history. 

The following a list of my favorite spots and activities. Comments and additional suggestions are warmly appreciated.
Chanukka/Weihnachtsmarkt at the Berlin Jewish Museum

For reform services, I  recommend the historic synoguage on Oranienburger strass in Mitte.

For Jewish tours and an interesting historical perspective, Sue Arns.

Here is a link to Berlin's Jewish Community Center, which also has a library for family research and an adult education center (they teach german, yiddish, hebrew etc.).

For a historical perspective on the city, in general, I recommend the Berlin Underground Tours.

There are also many political organizations that combat right-wing extremism and anti-Semitism in Berlin.

Thank you so much for your interest in the Berlin Revival project. Have a wonderful and safe holiday season.


Berlin Revival